Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Week 2 at Hackbright

After an action-packed weekend, I'm back at Hackbright for week 2. I'm definitely feeling more comfortable with the basics, but we're rushing right ahead into some fairly advanced (for me!) object-oriented programming, which leaves me on shaky ground.

I'm pretty sure I'm the only person in my class who's co-running a business and also working at a part-time job (tutoring) in addition to this course; it's probably not the best idea. If I had only one of those outside commitments, I'm sure I would be able to get a little more rest and rejuvenation over the weekends, but since I have both, they're making me a little crazy.

Today we worked on a source file for a maze-type game, which was really fun and challenging. It's exciting to be able to think of something I want to do and then work through how to make that happen -- and even more exciting when it actually does happen! Problem-solving can be exhausting though, and by 6pm I've been running out of brain juice.

This week, I resolve to go to sleep early. Gotta keep the brain juice reserves well-stocked.

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