A couple of people asked me what to do with lavender simple syrup, so I wanted to offer some serving suggestions. Granted, these aren't "healthy" or "nutritious" per se, but sugar syrups never are ;) This syrup is a treat, and as such, should be used sparingly.
We use an aeropress to make espresso at home, and I microwave milk since I prefer foamless lattés anyway. This is super basic - just add a teaspoon or so of lavender simple syrup to a latté, et voilà! A very fancy, sophisticated-tasting beverage that'd cost $5+ in a high-fallutin' third-wave coffee shop.
2. Vanilla Lavender Milkshake
Also quite basic. My immersion blender is my favorite kitchen appliance. It's amazing for making salad dressings, sauces, milkshakes/smoothies, puréed soups, etc. Cleanup is SO MUCH EASIER than a food processor or blender! For one milkshake, combine 3/4 cup vanilla ice cream, 1/4 cup milk, and 1 tbsp of lavender simple syrup.
3. Lavender Russian
4. Greek Yogurt with Lavender and Honey
Okay, I was going to post a recipe for something like chocolate lavender mousse, but then I felt like it would be kinda disingenuous, since I literally never make anything as involved as mousse. For this, all you need is some flavorful honey, plain greek yogurt and lavender syrup. This dessert is a lot healthier than pudding or a milkshake, and amazingly refreshing in the heat of the summer.
The strongest flavored honeys I've had are Tasmanian Leatherwood (truly, a tiny bit packs a big honey punch!) and Buckwheat honey, but my long-standing favorite is this one from Honey Gardens - I absolutely LOVE floral, crystally honey! Locally, I've found it in both Whole Foods and Rainbow Grocery.
To 1/3 cup of plain greek yogurt, 1/2 teaspoon of lavender syrup and mix thoroughly. Then add the honey and mix as much or as little as you like - personally I like to just swirl mine in so the chunky honey texture really stands out against the cool, creamy yogurt. Enjoy!
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